Cove Foundations
For those that are new to CrossFit (see below for more information about the CrossFit methodology), we offer small group “Cove Foundations” classes where our coaches will help perfect your movements so that you can safely experience all the benefits of our program. This is a two-class program where each session focuses on teaching you the key CrossFit movements we see in our classes. It includes a workout incorporating what we’ve reviewed in that class and gives you a feeling for our program. We offer these classes for free so you get a real feel for our fitness program. You will learn a ton, get in a great sweat, and probably even have some fun along the way. We offer these classes on a bi-weekly basis.
If you are interested in reserving your spot for our CrossFit 101 classes (or just want to learn more about our program), just click the button below or email us at

What is CrossFit?
Crossfit is a fitness program based around constantly varied, functional movements performed at a high intensity. It is often described as broad, general, and inclusive. Simply put, Crossfit is about teaching people how to move. Mastering the movement patterns that are essential to life.
We focus on the functional movements that life demands. We all squat every day. We all deadlift (that is, pick stuff up from the ground). We run, jump, and throw. These are all-natural movements we master in CrossFit training. So what does this mean for you? We focus on the movements that appear in your everyday life.
It means we do not specialize in one specific aspect of fitness rather we strive to become a well-rounded athlete that is prepared for the unexpected demands of life. It’s all designed so that if need to move a couch, pick up a child (or even throw them up in the air), or run to catch a train you can do it safely and with ease! We build strength inside the four walls of this gym, so you can express it outside in everyday life.
We want you to experience all the things that life can offer and not let your fitness limit you.