Partner WOD
21 KB Swings
15 Thrusters
9 Wall Walks
*One partner farmer carries 200m and then you pick up where your partner is from in the AMRAP
Fx: 35/25, 75/55, 25/20# DBs
P: 50/35, 95/65, 35/25 DBs
O: 70/53, 95/65, 50/35 DBs
Partner WOD
21 KB Swings
15 Thrusters
9 Wall Walks
*One partner farmer carries 200m and then you pick up where your partner is from in the AMRAP
Fx: 35/25, 75/55, 25/20# DBs
P: 50/35, 95/65, 35/25 DBs
O: 70/53, 95/65, 50/35 DBs