Strict Pull Ups
Every 2:30 x 3 Sets:
Weighted Strict Pull-up
3 Sets:
3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups
– Rest 20 Seconds –
3 Kneeling Medball Slams
* Build In Weight To Technical Failure
* Heavier that last week
“The Shredder”
For Time:
40/32 Cal Bike
40 Pull-ups
30/24 Cal Bike
30 SA Dumbbell Snatches
20/16 Cal Bike
200 Meter Farmers Carry*
10/8 Cal Bike
100 Double Unders
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
FX: 35’s/25’s
RX: 50’s/35’s
RX+: 70/50, C2B, *HS Walk, ECHO