LOTS going on at the Cove — PLEASE READ!
Over the past couple of months we have been piloting a program where we provide accessory workouts for those athletes that compete in the “sport of CrossFit” (those who currently or strive for the “Open” track Cove programming). On Saturday’s at 8 AM we have a dedicated class where we hit a competition style workout and specifically work on teaching the movements, pacing strategies, and tactics to do the best at that individual or team workout. With so many Covies at the Charm City Throwdown we thought we would open up to any athlete that is competing next week OR any athlete that just wants to pick up some new knowledge! EVERYONE is welcome to join the 8am class this week!
We know many of you are excited about the Charm City Throwdown Partner WOD 1 and others not so much, but the point is to simple do the best that you are capable of at this moment. We will provide coaching on how to get the most out of this workout during this class, with Coach Maria giving some running prep and mobility tips. We’ll review burpee efficiency and then test drive the workout of a ONE MILE RUN followed by 100 BURPEES (75 for Scaled Division).
We also plan on hitting Partner WOD 2 (30 Clean and Jerks, 20 Toes to Bar (or 10 pull ups), 20 Snatches, 20 Toes to Bar (or 10 pull-ups) and 10 Thrusters. It will be a good time to discuss strategy and figure out how you’ll want to attack this workout again!
Find your inner yogi and head to the Cove for the 8:15 yoga class with Ashley. If you hit the Saturday 8am class, we STRONGLY recommend you come to this for some good old active recovery!
- Kick Off Meeting Wednesday September 20th at 7:00PM.
- The Challenge officially begins September 25th and ends on Sunday, November 5th.
- Pre Body Scans: Wednesday September 20th, Friday September 22nd & Saturday September 23rd
- Post Body Scans: Friday November 4th, Saturday November 5th
- We will set up a Private Facebook page to post recipes, challenges, successes etc.
- InBody body composition analysis at the beginning and end of challenge, providing weight and % body fat analysis. The value and accuracy of this, similar to a BodPod, would be $50 PER use. So the $100 would cover the analytics alone!