Clash at the Cove Wod 2
Each team has 6 minutes to find a 1 RM Clean and Jerk and Snatch. We will combine the total of the two lifts to score this workout.
Two barbells will be provided to each team and they are responsible for loading their own barbells. Prior to the start of the wod the team will let the judge know which lift each athlete is attempting. Before the athlete can execute the lift the athlete will write on the whiteboard the weight they are attempting. Only one lift can be executed at a time as the judge must confirm the completion of the lift.
Must start from the floor, and declare to judge what the weight on the bar is for the attempt. Only 1 person can lift at a time. The lift can be a power snatch, or squat snatch, and if the person wants to go from the hang they can do that as well. Bar must start on the floor and snatched to the overhead position, with full lockout at top, standing the rep up where the judge gives the good lift command. If the athlete drops to one knee at any point during the lift, the lift is over.
Clean and Jerk
Same Standards as snatch in terms of the bar starting on the floor and being cleaned to the shoulders. Can be a power clean or squat clean, and can also be cleaned from the hang. The shoulder to OH position can be achieved in any form of the following, strict press, push press, push jerk, split jerk or squat jerk. Finishing the rep is full lockout overhead, with both feet together. Again the judge will give the good lift command before the bar is dropped. As above if the athlete drops to one knee during the lift, the lift is over.
Each athlete can take as many attempts as they want in the 6 minute time frame, and they can go up and down in weight as they please.
400 m Run
10 Deadlifts
12 Hanging Power Cleans
14 Front Rack Lunges
4 Rounds