2.15.17 Wednesday Wins
Today we celebrate a group of AMAZING women who have just completed our FRESH START CHALLENGE! For the last five weeks, they have been attending classes three times per week and have their gains have been nothing short of extraordinary!
Most came in with no CrossFit experience and, like most of us, had to learn everything ground up. They focused on good form, learned how to move in ways they never have before and hit some incredible benchmarks. From tackling some “Girls” to hitting “Hero WODs”, they have accomplished so much in such a short period of time. They’ve added a LOT of weight to the barbell, rocked double-udders, jumped higher than they imagined and understand what working out with “intensity” means. They were so quick to learn that they were doing complex WODs within a very short timeframe. In fact, there were days when Cove members said to us “Thank god I’m not in the Challenge… their workout is harder than ours”!
In addition to gains inside the gym, the ‘losses’ outside are pretty darn exciting too. Scales have gone down (10+lbs in many cases), pants sizes are shrinking and their bodies are working at peak performance because of their clean eating ways. Eliminating so many favorites (wine, dairy, sugar and more!) was tough for them, but ask any of them and they’ll tell you the reward was more than worth it!
This week they are migrating into “regular” classes so please give them a huge congratulations and welcome them to the Cove as member-athletes! We feel so lucky they chose us to kick start their fitness journey and can’t wait to see where the rest of this journey takes them!
1 Minute Couch Stretch
1 Minute Front Rack Stretch with a band
30 Seconds Bench OH Stretch
3 Rounds
Every 3 minutes for 18 Minutes Complete 1 Round rest with remaining time.
10 Power Cleans
12 Burpees
16 KB Swings
Score Slowest Round
Fitness: 95/65, 35/26
RX: 135/95, 53/35
RX+: 155/105, 70/53
Coach’s Tip: These type of workouts are about maintaining high power outputs (how quickly you complete a round) throughout the workout. You want to be able to move at a quick but not frantic pace to start the workout and be able to maintain it each round. For those that remember last weeks Row-Front Squat-Burpee-Sit up workout from last week it’s all about finding a pace is aggressive that you can maintain.