Importance of hand care in CrossFit
This is a repeat post for many of you, but given we are six weeks into our gymnastics cycle, this becomes more important than ever. We haven’t seen many tears (a good thing!) but also have been asked by several people how to protect their hands as we spend more time on the rig. In addition to things like eating right, working on mobility and taking rest days… HAND CARE can be one of the most important things to add to your CrossFit care regimen. And while there are many debates around hand care and how to achieve optimum results, everyone agrees… you MUST tend to your hands and calluses. Here’s a quick video on a VERY simple and SAFE way to care for your hands.
If anyone has other great tips or tricks, feel free to post them to the Cove Club FB page. This is not THE definitive way to care for hands, it is just ONE way that happens to work for us!
Register for the CrossFit Open NOW!!!
FOUR more people signed up yesterday, so let’s keep that going! That’s amazing but we want MORE! For context, last year we had over 60 people sign up and we are a much bigger gym now! As a reminder, The CrossFit Open starts on FEBRUARY 23rd and signups are now live. If you don’t know what the Open is, it is the pre-cursor to the Reebok CrossFit Games. And yes, we are hoping for 100% participation! If you are on the fence for some reason, please please talk to us!
Sign up here at THE CROSSFIT GAMES.
THIS SATURDAY (February 18th) will be our 2-Year Anniversary Bash!
We are so excited for this weekend and cannot wait for this event! We should have a big crowd so please RSVP if you haven’t already so we can get a good headcount.
Many of you have asked how you can help.
8 min EMOM
2 Front Squats (this should be 80-90% of 1 RM)
20 Cal Row
20 Thrusters
20 Sit ups
15 Cal Row
15 Thrusters
15 Sit ups
10 Cal Row
10 Thrusters
10 Sit ups
Fitness: 95/65
RX: 115/75
RX+: 135/95
Coach’s Tip: Challenge yourself on the thruster load today. Pick a load that you can do 3-5 with even when you are fatigued.
Richard L. has been crushing it at the Cove. He’s killing the WODs AND saw drastic changes from the New Year Nutrition Challenge …