How did I just PR my deadlift?
Tuesday workout featured a fan favorite of the box, a heavy deadlift. Although this movement is a favorite of many we program it judiciously as it is so demanding on our muscular and nervous system. The amazing thing to note about that 5 rep test was how many people hit such big numbers and personal records without deadlifting regularly. How could this happen with so little direct training in the deadlift? This phenomenon goes to show the power of the constantly varied programming we see in CrossFit. Those increases in strength came from the other diverse movements we see as part of our regular programming. Those strength gains could have built from the different squats we do or the mobility improvements from all keg drills and couch stretches or the core strength that was developed from our recent gymnastics cycle or the explosive power we have been creating through olympic lifts. That constant variety in our programming allows us to be continually improving in so many different areas of fitness. So when the big deadlift test comes up and you haven’t hit that movement regularly you may be surprise how prepared you are to pass that test without really “studying for it”. And finally, how did I just PR my deadlift? Because of all the hard work I have been doing at the gym. Well done Covies!