June 2nd: Brovie WOD and Whiskey 6:30pm
BROVIES! It’s time for a bro session of barbells, booze, and bad decisions. Let’s together and hit a WOD and have some Whiskey (or other libation of your choosing). This has been an amazing night in the past and we can’t wait to see what the year has in store. Sorry ladies… this one is for the fellas only (for the workout itself), so you’ll have to hit a class before 6:30 that day or show up to bartend! And please do! SEE YOU THERE!!!
100 Goblet Lunges
100 Double Unders
100 Toes to Bar
100 Double Unders
100 Assault Bike Cals (80 Cals F/F teams)
100 Double Unders
100 KB Swings
(One person working at a time)
30 Minute Time Cap
Fitness: 35/26, Sit Ups
Performance: 53/35
Open: 70/53
Coach’s Tip: Open and Performance have a high volume of toes to bar today. If your hands are tender from Murph or if you struggle with stringing, go for straight legged leg raises. Work on a tight kip and keep those legs straight and toes pointed.
Coach John approves of this kind of partner work! Technically they are both doing weighted squats for Murph, right?!