Workout Three: Clash Gone Bad
Inspired by the classic CrossFit workout Fight Gone Bad, we have Cove Gone Bad. The workout consists of 5 different stations of 2 minute AMRAP workouts. Each station represents 20% of the scoring for the entire workout and the overall scoring of this event will be determined by the cumulative ranking of each station.
The clock does not stop or reset in between stations, so you can transition to the next station at any point but you may not begin working at the next station until both athletes and the judges are present at that station.
Stations One: Pull Ups and Jumping Pull ups
RX: Pull Ups
Working within a two minute window, both athletes will look to accumulate as many pull ups possible. One athlete is working at a time. We are looking for the rep to start with arms fully extended with the feet off of the ground. The rep is completed with the chin rising above the level of the pull up bar. Any sort of grip can be used as long as the other standards above are met. Reps can be divided any way the team deems appropriate.
FX: Jumping Pull Ups
Working within a two minute window, both athletes will look to accumulate as many jumping pull ups possible. The bar will be set up so it is at least 6 inches above the top of the athlete’s head when the athlete is standing tall. At the bottom, the arms must be fully extended. Overhand, underhand or mixed grip are all permitted. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.
Reps can be divided any way the team deems appropriate.
Station: Two: Dballs over the shoulder
The Dball starts on the ground and is lifted over the top of either shoulder. The ball must go over the top of the shoulder and fall behind the athlete. The ball must be picked up from the ground and can not be bounced into the next rep. It does not matter which shoulder the ball goes over.
Reps can be divided any way the team deems appropriate.
RX Male: 100
RX Female: 70
FX Male: 70
FX Female:50
Youth: TBD
Station Three: Rowing
Athletes are looking to accumulate as many calories inside the working window. Both athletes and judge must be present at the start of the workout. Athletes are allowed to switch as many times as they wish on the rower. The can only work within the 2 minute window and may not pull on the handles at any point once the period ends. Doing so will result in a 2 calorie penalty.
Stations Four: GHD or Sit ups
RX: GHD Sit ups
The rep starts with both hands touching foot pads. The athletes will recline backwards to a position where one or both hands will touch the designated wall ball behind the athlete. From there the athlete can return back to the starting position to complete the rep.
FX: Sit ups
An ab-mat will be placed just behind the athlete and he/she must keep the soles of feet together. The rep begins with the shoulders on the ground behind the athlete and the hands touching the ground overhead. From there, the athlete will change direction bringing the hands to the toes of the feet with the shoulders moving past the hip.
Reps can be divided any way the team deems appropriate.
Station Five: Dumbbell Snatches
The rep begins with both heads of the dumbbell resting on the ground. The dumbbell must be lifted in one continuous motion (no clean and jerks allowed) to an overhead position. The reps is credited when the dumbbell is locked out overhead with the hips, knees, and arm fully extended directly overhead of slightly behind the athlete.
Athletes are required to switch arms with each rep and can do so once the previous rep has been completed.
Deliberate bouncing is not allowed.
Reps can be divided any way the team deems appropriate.
RX Male: 50
RX Female: 35
FX Male: 35
RX Female: 25