Friday, January 8th 2015
Congrats to all who conquered yesterday’s WOD. As we said, it was super challenging and was borrowed from the 2011 and 2013 CrossFit Games regionals workout. Workouts like this remind us, that while our times might be a bit longer or we might have to scale the weights, we ARE ALL ATHLETES.
We are thrilled so many people are participating in the Paleo Challenge (or some version of clean eating). These first few days are really hard… but really important to stay on track. For those of you who haven’t joined in yet, it’s not too late! Just talk to us and we’ll get you all the information you need. And either way, the Cove 30 Day Challenge FB page is open to all members. Even if you’re not doing the challenge, it’s a great resource for recipes and healthy eating!
For those of you with kids (or for those who have friends with kids), we have TWO amazing opportunities to engage the younger set:
CROSSFIT FAMILY: THIS Saturday (January 9th) and next Saturday (January 16th) we will be holding FREE CrossFit Family Classes at 10am. There will be no regular 10am class! CF Family is designed so you can work out WITH your child, instilling great habits and showing that fitness can be fun at any age. PLEASE let us know if you are attending so we can plan accordingly (the ideal ages are between 5 and 10 but we can make exceptions).
CROSSFIT KIDS: Every Thursday in February we will be holding CF Kids classes at 4:45pm. That’s every THURSDAY! We are excited to launch this new program and are asking for a nominal fee for participants. Members’ children will be $30 for the four week program (siblings are $20) and Non Member children will be $40 for the four weeks (siblings $30). We are looking to expand this program further (adding more days and lengthening the series) but want to ensure there is enough interest! These classes will be designed for kids age 6-10 and we promise they will learn a TON and have a ball!
We are kicking off 2016’s first Foundations Classes next week! They will run Monday (7:30p), Wednesday (7:30p) and Friday (6:30p). If you know of friends or family members who are looking to try something new or have made resolutions, we have a free week for them to try it out! As always, we SO appreciate the referrals and great things you have to say about the Cove!
2 Rounds
70 Air Squats
60 Pull ups
50 Wall Balls
40 sit ups
30 Burpees
-For Time-
Behind the scenes at the recording of the “4th Pull Podcast” last week. If you haven’t listened or heard, the Cove was asked to be the content focus this month. And if you haven’t heard of it, add it to your ‘must listen’ list — and subscribe on iTunes (free). It’s great weekly content about all things CrossFit and run by our very own GEO ROCKWELL! Check it out at: THE 4TH PULL