Friday, March 13th, 2015
Tomorrow’s workout will be the CrossFit Open 15.3 workout. We will update it later tonight when it is released (8:30 pm at The 7:30pm Friday Night Lights workout will be potluck this week so bring something you like to eat post-WOD! We’ll have the beers covered!
RX/Coach Luke’s and Coach Chris’s WOD
14-minute AMRAP:
7 muscle ups 50 wall balls 100 double-unders
M 20-lb. ball to 10’ F 10-lb. ball to 9’
14-minute AMRAP: 50 wall balls 200 single-unders
M 20-lb. ball to 9’ F 10-lb. ball to 9’
14-minute AMRAP: 50 wall balls 100 single-unders
M 14-lb. ball to 9’ F 8-lb. ball to 9’
Draminski killing his chest-to-bars in 15.2. Get ready for 15.3!!!