Friday, November 25th 2016
First of all, a huge thank you to all the coaches and athletes who came our for our Thanksgiving WOD. On days like this where it’s tradition to be with ‘family’, we feel so fortunate that this Cove family can get together to do what we do best: get in a great workout and find strength and joy in community!
We also hope it set you up for success for the rest of the day in making smart choices. Or maybe it was the opposite and you felt you ‘earned’ that extra helping of pie or stuffing. Or maybe you couldn’t make it in for the workout because you were somewhere already eating. Or drinking? Or both? If you answered “yes” to anything but the first statement… our advice is “It’s done. Just move on.”
It’s easy to fall down the ‘guilt’ wormhole. Or thinking that one bad day will undo all the good you’ve done recently. Don’t let it! Our successes are not built in a day, so don’t let one day disrupt that momentum you have found and the path you are on. Get back to your routine. Be smart with your choices. You have an army of people here who will support you!
FRIDAY: Noon, 4:30p and 5:30p. Sitter coverage 5:30p per usual. We will be open between the Noon and 4:30pm class as an ‘extended Open Gym’ period. It will be a good time to log some meters on the rower!
SATURDAY: Regular schedule. Sitter coverage 9a per usual.
SUNDAY: Regular Open Gym 9a-Noon
20 Wall Balls
40 Burpees
20 Wall Balls
40 Pull ups
20 Wall Balls
40 Sit ups
20 Wall Balls
Fitness: AB Mat Sit Ups
RX: AB Mat Sit Ups
RX+: GHD Sit Ups
15 Min Time Cap
Coach’s Tip: There is a lot of volume in this workout so please consider scaling number of reps if you are not proficient in any one of them. There is a hard 15 minute cap on this workout and the goal is to hit a VARIETY of movements, not to take a lot of clock and get through 2 sets of wall balls and some burpees. Do not attempt the GHD sit ups unless you have a strong training history on this implement. The wall balls should be done in big sets, so you can’t do 20 wall balls in the first set UNBROKEN you should lower the weight of the ball or reduce the volume to 15 or 10. For the pull ups we are looking for FULL extension of the arms. Not only is this for safety, it is to get the full benefit of them movement. Coaches will be on you for this! And if you are burnt from Partner DT yesterday, scale away!