Monday, August 1st 2016
We are thinking of all of our friends from Ellicott City who were impacted by the flooding. One of our members watched her car float down the street and others are wrapped up in trying to get the town back up and running. If you saw our FB post, we are making ourselves available to help in whatever capacity we can, so stay tuned to the blog or the Cove Club for more details.
To that end, communication within our Cove family is key and we realize we have several new members (or veterans) who have never joined our Cove Club FB group. This is a PRIVATE GROUP for Cove members only, so we want all of our athletes part of it! If you haven’t, PLEASE DO join! This is where we share everything from gym happenings to ridiculous videos, so please ask to join the group here:
A reminder that we are doing our first Cove Swimming WOD on Saturday, 8/6 at 11am!
There will be a 9a class that morning, but no regular 10 or 11am classes.
The WOD will be held at North Saint Johns Swim Club (9200 Marydell Rd. in Ellicott City). We will have the pool to ourselves for an hour before it opens. Please plan to be there just before 11am so we can get your waiver signed and get warmed up QUICKLY. Cost will be $7 per person at the door, however this fee will allow you to hang out for the rest of the day if you want. The pool is extremely kid friendly (playground, volleyball court, etc.) so bring the little ones. There are several grills so definitely plan to stay after to hang out and eat – you can even bring a cooler of drinks (yes, our pool allows beer, but no glass bottles)!
In order to plan for enough equipment for the WOD, please please make sure you RSVP for the event here:
Cove WOD and Pool Party RSVP
We will have a potluck BBQ afterwards, so please sign up on the whiteboard at the gym and let us know what you are bringing. We can’t thank Kim and Steve enough as this should be an EPIC DAY for the Cove!
Many of you have asked about the WOD, so we are thrilled to announce it early! And we know some of you were deciding whether or not to do it for fear of the unknown…so here ya go! Please note we will have plenty of scaling options for those who are not comfortable swimming. The pool depth runs 3ft to 5ft so things like “running the lap” or using a kick board should help make even the novice swimmer feel like a pro!
For time: 2 laps (each partner swims 1) 100 KB Swings 4 laps 100 Goblet Squats 6 laps 100 SDLHPs 8 laps 100 KB Lunges 10 laps *1 lap is down and back. *Split laps and reps up however you’d like *Only 1 partner working at a time **This can be done outside of the pool with 8 burpees for each lap
Squat Snatch with a 3 second pause below the knee
15 Squat Snatch
400 m run
15 Power Snatch
400 m run
15 OHS
Fitness 95/65
RX 115/75
Rx + 135/95
Time Cap 14 Minutes
Coach’s Tip: One of the observations from our Snatch work thus far is that pulling from the ground (vs the hang) is more challenging for some — and finding that “power position” after getting that barbell from the ground is key to the Snatch! So, we are spending some time trying to refine the early part of the lift. This weekend we worked on Snatch grip deadlifts to get us into a good position with a heavy load and we will continue that work by focusing on our “first pull” on Monday. Getting that “first pull” (the lift from ground to below knee) is critical and the “pause” will allow the athlete to find that important position in the lift. The back should be flat, shoulders pulled back, engaged and over the barbell, shins vertical and spine neutral. From there the lift gets explosive. There should be a dramatic change in speed and a violent opening of the hips once that “first pull” is complete!
Despite the heat the Cove was bumping last week! With the weather cooling a bit, we hope to see even more of you…