Tuesday, September 1st 2015
A huge thank you to everyone who voted for us in the Best of Howard County survey. We are so grateful for your support! And even if we don’t get the official printed recognition, we know we’ve certainly got the best members and community out there — all thanks to you! Speaking of surveys, we will be putting one out ourselves very soon. The goal is to get feedback and input to make the Cove EVEN BETTER. We’ll hope to get some key takeaways regarding class schedules, coaching, additional class offerings and more. We hope you will all speak your minds freely!
And for those who missed yesterday’s blog post, we’ve created a Flickr album with all of our edited photos and each week we will upload the week’s images and add them to the album. Feel free to share, use or just admire as you’d like!
Today we will be doing the Squat Snatch for the first time. Think of it as a fluid motion combining a snatch and an overhead squat. We will spend a lot of time reviewing it in class (and of course will have tons of scaling options) so get excited to start putting some pieces of our “lifting puzzle” together!
Here’s a demo in case you aren’t familiar with the movement at all. We have posted this video before to show what it means to drop under the bar but it is hands-down one of the best squat snatches you will ever see!