Monday, August 8th 2016
Ever notice those bags of protein powder by the T-Shirts up front and wondered what they taste like? Or think, “Fish oil?! No way!”. Well, on Monday from 4:30 to 7:30PM, SFH will be coming to let Cove members sample some supplement products and ask questions. Please know we have NO skin in this game other than offering a product line that we believe in and personally use; how you fuel yourself and work on your recovery is completely up to you.
BUT, we all want you to take fueling your body and recovery seriously. So, even if it’s not to ultimately buy a product, come taste the stuff and learn a little bit about what each is meant to do. You might learn a bit or get inspired to treat your body better… and you’ll certainly get to sample some yummy stuff!
We are thrilled to announce our Cove Men’s Only 6-Week Challenge starts today. Classes will run Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 4:30p and 7:45p for the next several weeks. To give our new athletes the most focused attention and so as not to saturate the gym space for existing members, we are capping class sizes to 10 athletes for this Challenge. As you see new faces around the gym, please introduce yourself as it is this great community (as a whole!) that will help them get the most out of this experience!
200M Run
20 Goblet Squats
15 Ab Mat Situps
10 Push Ups
12 Minute AMRAP
Take 12 minutes to find a heavy Clean and Jerk for the day
Mac Attack
50 Wall Balls
5 Clean and Jerks
40 Wall Balls
4 Clean and Jerks
30 Wall Balls
3 Clean and Jerks
20 Wall Balls
2 Clean and Jerks
10 Wall Balls
1 Clean and Jerk
18 min Time Cap
Fitness: 115/75
RX: 165/110
RX+: 205/135
Coach’s Tip: The weight should be heavy today. By finding a heavy 1 rep during the strength (not necessarily a 1 rep MAX) you should be able to scale down slightly to find the right weight for the METCON. Keep in mind the wall balls will exhaust your shoulders, so make sure you do scale from the heavy one rep you establish!)
Great example of the functional fitness benefits of CrossFit! Thanks to Kim and Steve M. for an awesome day at the pool!