Monday, March 9th 2015
Monday we will continue to work on the Back Squat but using a lighter load. We really want to focus on perfecting the movement!
Back Squat 5/5/5/5/5
(50-60% of 1 RM)
**If you do not know 1 RM then make it something light. Go slow and move through the full range of motion. We re-test 1 rep max next Monday!
Between each set open hips on a box for 30 seconds
15 Deadlifts
75 Double Unders
3 Rounds
-For Time-
15 min Cap
Fitness (135/95) 150 Singles
RX 225/155
RX+ 255/165
If you haven’t tested your 15.2 or want a re-do remember scores need to be in by 8P Monday EST.
Only THEN can you pop the vino …