Monday, October 10th 2016
Plan on coming (or staying after the comp) for some food and drinks. We’ll have burgers and dogs so bring a different dish or a side (and whatever your drink of choice is, of course!)
We are closing athlete registration on Monday at NOON, so if you want to compete, please let us know! And we will welcome more judges at ANY time!
We will be operating on a regular schedule on Monday!
Thank you advance for your time AND constructive feedback! We are gaining such valuable insight from the surveys and are excited to see what more people have to say. We will be closing the survey on Wednesday at 5P so PLEASE take a moment to fill it out. We promise this information isn’t just ‘nice to have’… rather, the findings will directly impact the gym in real and meaningful ways!
It’s hard to believe but we’re about to start WEEK FOUR of this Challenge! It’s amazing to see the progress physically, but we hope you are feeling better about yourselves overall (both inside AND outside the gym). Some of you have already taken ‘regular’ classes, but please know you are more than welcome to drop into ANY class (as we’ve already covered the majority of the movements we do here everyday!) but we hope you also keep with the consistency and camaraderie of the Fresh Start classes (as we are still introducing new movements and getting to know each other). And we’re also thrilled a handful of you are stepping outside the Challenge to participate in the “ultimate” challenge… The Clash at the Cove competition! As we said before, it’s hard to believe it’s week four… and you’re already doing ALL OF THIS!!! WOW!!!
Ironically, Ashley C. posted about this on the FB page this weekend, but today we will hit a version of “Fight Gone Bad”! It’s a quintessential CrossFit workout — super challenging… but super fun. There’s the back story about how it was created, so come on in and be part of the tradition known as “Fight Gone Bad”!
Fight Gone Bad—famed mixed martial artist B.J. Penn named it. CrossFitters both love and fear it. The workout, a benchmark in the CrossFit community, was designed to match the metabolic demands of an organized MMA fight. And B.J Penn did it as part of his training. Five minutes on, 1 minute off for 3 rounds. Sounds simple enough, right?
Words such as “brutal” or “savage”—and assorted others—come to mind when describing just how taxing this workout is. Penn, when quizzed on how it compared to an actual bout in the cage, he said (gasping for breath and lying on the ground) ” man, that was like a fight gone bad”. The rest, as they say, is history…
“Zac Attac”
3 minutes on 1 minute off
7 Thrusters
6 Bar Facing Burpees
Fitness 75/55
RX 95/65
RX+ 115/75
Why is this called “Zac Attac”? Well, this weekend we saw a certain post that Saturday felt like a ‘rest day’… so we figured that we should come out of the gates STRONG on Monday with a WOD that will challenge us all… even Zac F…
Coach’s Tip: The box squat helps develop explosiveness out of the bottom of the squat. It’s more important to be explosive rather than grinding slowly up from the bottom with a very heavy barbell. Think going NO MORE THAN 70% of your 1 RM back squat for our final set. Keep your chest up and sit back, and keep the weight on your heels. When you sit on the box stay engaged and active in your core. Avoid any rocking. Stay explosive when driving to the top of the squat.
Only score complete rounds on the METCON. The goal here is sprint, rest, sprint rest. Each round of 3 minutes should consist of 3 rounds. If you can not get the third round in you are moving a barbell that is too heavy. So if you are going more than one minute a round, decrease the load!!