After a successful strength cycle of back squats and overhead squats we are going to move into a new cycle focused on expressing that new found strength through the Push Press or Push Jerk. These two movements require strength, stability, coordination, speed, and technique. During this cycle we will not only be working on this lift but also the accessory movements to keep those shoulders healthy. Look for lots of work on developing rotator cuff strength and scapular stability.
Now the question, which movement should I focus on? Well the answer is up to you but we would suggest if you are a newer athlete that you focus on the push press. This movement is not as complicated and will allow you to focus more on getting stronger. For those more experienced athletes the push jerk will allow you to work on heavier loads and translate into more advanced lifts. Once again, the choice is up to you and feel free to talk to your coach on which is right for you. Frankly, there isn’t a wrong answer to this questions.
We hope you take the time to give thanks for your good health and celebrate your accomplishments both here at the box — and in your day to day life. We feel so lucky to be surrounded by such driven, caring and supportive people every day we come to the Cove — and this year we are thankful to have each and every one of you as part of this crazy family.Let’s get together for one big WOD in the morning at 10am (this will be the ONLY class on Thanksgiving) and get that metabolism revved for the damage we’ll do later that day.
There will be NO coverage in the kids room for the 10 AM Class.
Here is the complete modified holiday schedule:
- WEDNESDAY: Regular schedule but NO 7:30PM class. Sitter coverage 5:30p per usual.
- THURSDAY (THANKSGIVING DAY): 10am ONLY. No sitter coverage.
- FRIDAY: Noon, 4:30p and 5:30p. Sitter coverage 5:30p per usual.
- SATURDAY: Regular schedule. Sitter coverage 9a per usual.
- SUNDAY: Regular Open Gym 9a-Noon
Take 15 minutes to find a 1 RM Push Jerk or 3 RM Push Press
10 Pull ups
10 Single Arm DB push Press (10 each arm)
10 Sit ups
10 min AMRAP
Open: Chest to Bar
Coach’s Tip: Focus on your posture and bracing during the single arm push press. It is just as important with a dumbbell as it is with the barbell.
Who doesn’t love spending time on the assault bike?