Partner WOD Friday!
This Sunday we celebrate the awesomeness known as “The Condons”. As you all know, they leave for their new home in Denver at the end of the month, but they are still ours for now! Stay tuned for the sappy posts, but for now, lock down your Sunday with a WOD at 11am and drinks after at Black Flag Brewery. If you don’t come, it means you don’t like them. And you do NOT want to get on Lyndsey’s bad side.
In honor of one of Coach Mike’s last partner WODs, please read his blog post on the topic if you haven’t already. It is a wonderful read on Partner WODs and why we love them so much at the Cove: BLOG #SORRYNOTSORRY
40 KB Swings
800 M Run (together)
30 Pull Ups
40 Walking Lunges (together)
3 Rounds
Fitness: 30 Pull Ups each round (35/26)
Performance: 25 Chest to Bar each round (53/35)
Open: 15 Bar Muscle Ups each round. (70/53)
Coach’s Tip: IF you partner with someone on a difference performance track, that’s okay! Just don’t do more than half of the volume listed above for your specific moment. i.e. If you are doing fitness and your partner is doing open, you should do 15 pull ups and they do 7 bar muscle ups per round.
Some of our 9:30 ‘regulars’ enjoying a stretch after class…