Building on a great week of workouts last week, we have some more stuff in store for you this week.
We have one more week of tempo training for our front squat and bench press. We are looking for 3-second pauses at the sticking point of each one of these lifts. We encourage you to use the rogue clock and a partner to ensure you are hitting a true 3-second hold.
Wednesday, we increase the loads on our power snatch work, looking for 4 sets of moderately heavy triples.
Here are some highlights of our conditioning pieces
Monday: “Chipper Gone Bad”, which is a tight chipper that ends on a max calories row.
Tuesday: Building on last week, we have a combo of pulling movements and assault bike calories to make it even spicier.
Thursday: We have some weighted box step ups, which are always challenging. We are prepping to do Chad, which is an amazing powerful hero workout. We also are adding in some HSPU’s for our RX+ athletes.
Friday: We are definitely seeing the gym getting stronger, so we are going to challenge ourselves with some heavy power cleans.
This week’s programming can be found here.
These three take partner workout Saturday seriously with their matching outfits!
