Saturday, January 21st 2017
For those of you coming to the Babes Barbells and Brunch, we are so excited for an amazing day. Don’t forget to bring what you signed up for… or if you didn’t sign up, no worries! Just bring something to share. As a reminder, this is a ladies’ only event starting at 11am, so there will be NO regular 11a class. Sorry fellas!
The workout will be “Girls on Girls“! We will be doing ten minutes of THREE “Girl” benchmark WODs in teams of two. We’ll be tackling “Cindy”, (Double) “Grace” and “Jenny”.
Here’s how the day will work. At 11am we’ll get warmed up and review each moment for the three workouts. We will partner up in teams of two, with your partner ideally someone who will be able to share a barbell with you (meaning, you lift comparable loads). NO worries if you don’t have a partner or are unsure of the weight you will use… we will figure ALL of that out! We will then split the partners into one of three groups. This will be the group you ‘rotate’ with from one workout to the next.
Group One: Starts on “Cindy”, moves to “Jenny” then to “Grace”
Group Two: Starts on “Jenny” then moves to “Grace” then to “Cindy”
Group Three Starts on “Grace” then moves to “Cindy” then to “Jenny”
We will do each workout with a 10 minute time cap, so technically we will be doing “half Cindy” and “half Jenny”. We should be able to hit Double “Grace” within the 10 minute cap, so if you finish early, you get more rest time. We will have FOUR MINUTES of rest between each station so you can set up any scales you need and adjust any barbell weights for the next rotation. Total running time for the WODs will be 38 minutes:
0-10:00 WOD 1
10:00-14:00 REST
14:00 – 24:00 WOD 2
24:00 – 28:00 REST
28:00 – 38:00 WOD 3
We should have plenty of room for all the teams at each ‘station’, but we are expecting a large crowd. That means you might not get your favorite bar on the rig and you might have to share it (so no boxes right underneath the bar; keep them to the side to make room for others). This is a day about FUN above else, so worry less about the clock and more about enjoying the day.
Half “Jenny”:
10 Minute AMRAP of the following:
20 Overhead Squats (35 lb bar)
20 Back Squats (35 lb bar)
400 Meter Run (run will be a 200M done as a team to get to the 400)
**one partner works while the other rests (except for the run which is done together)**
Half “Cindy”:
10 Minute AMRAP of the following:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squat
**one partner works while the other rests**
Double “Grace”:
10 Minutes to Complete:
60 Clean and Jerks (as a team)
**one partner works while the other rests**
16 Minute Time Cap