Saturday, June 4th 2016
We hope everyone’s legs have recovered from Murph as we’re looking to get back after squatting again today! We are hoping to see some athletes from CrossFit Federal Hill at the Cove tomorrow as CFH is closed for the Level One Certification Course. Give them a good ‘ol Cove welcome and help them feel at home!
Front Speed Squats 3/3/3/3/3
(keep the load low and the speed out of the bottom aggressive)
Between each set complete 8 Bent Over Rows (1 KB in each hand)
20 Back Squats
(Bar should come from the ground, but can come from the rack if needed!)
400 M Run
3 Rounds
Fitness: 115/75
RX: 135/95
RX+: 165/110
**Work to go unbroken on the back squats.**