Sunday, November 8th 2015
There was a lot of great content floating around Facebook and the blog the last few days about the importance of rest and recovery. For those of you who missed Coach Eric’s post (or if you aren’t on Facebook), here’s what he had to say:
“Rest and recovery takes patience and discipline. I could argue that they are more important than exercise itself. But I digress. A great tool to use for your rest/recovery is a heart rate monitor. Calculate your max HR. 220-age=MHR. This is a very simple, basic start. Take 60-70% of that and concentrate on maintaining for 20-40min. (Rowing, Walking, Riding, Whatever) This does a million different things for your body, all good and beneficial (I can elaborate more later). What this also does, especially for work out junkies (myself included), is that it gives us something to do/concentrate on and makes us feel like we are getting a workout in without the stress of an actual WOD. Just a thought…any questions feel free to ask. Otherwise I will be away until December. Good luck, be strong and stay healthy.”
Tanique showing hard work pays off. She’s come a long way on OHS!