The "Committed Club"
The further encourage consistent attendance we have decided on unveil the “Cove Committed Club”. To become a member of this illustrious club you will need to attend the gym at least 20 times during the month of December. At the end of the month we will list everyone on the “Daily WOD” who has hit those marks. You do not necessarily have to take a class. You can just come on in and row, stretch, lift, or anything that supports you reaching your fitness goals, just be sure to sign into Wodify though. We know just walking through those doors and spending time with this supportive community can have such positive effects on our physical, mental, and emotional health.
Push Jerks 3/3/3/3/3 (Work to about 70% of 1 RM)
Push Press 5/5/5/5/5 ( Work to about 70% of 3 RM)
15 banded push downs between each set
10 Deadlift
20 Single Arm DB Push Press (10 each arm)
10 min AMRAP
Fitness: 185/125
Performance: 205/135
Open: 225/155
Coach’s Tip: The strength work has banded push downs between each set. They are a benefit to the push press cycle, but will strengthen the arms generally speaking. The percentage work today should not be extremely heavy– it is the beginning of our cycle so we are pushing form over anything else! The push downs will also be fairly taxing. Today’s Metocn is all about a solid pulling moving directly into a push movement. Should be a FUN combo!