It was so exciting to see how many athletes attempted Double Unders in Monday’s “Annie” WOD. And just as incredible to see so many complete it RX when just a few short months ago stringing doubles was just something you dreamed of. All in all, incredible progress showed through!
But no matter where you are on your path, Doubles can leave people either exhilarated or just exasperated. Here’s some fodder as you continue down your path to doubles greatness:
One of the great benefits of CrossFit is that it exposes us to new movements and exercises. It’s that part that lets us play like a kids and grow as children do. However we can’t seem to prevent our adult mentality to kick in and enjoy playing and rather find frustration. No skill is that more apparent than double unders. We’ve seen ropes thrown and even cursed out. Don’t’ waste energy with that stuff, the challenge is what makes us grow.
A thought that might help you with double unders is our philosophical belief of focusing on the fundamentals. It’s great to get that first double under but you won’t be able to reach your fullest potential until you have mastered your jumping mechanics. We often see our athletes getting their first double under with a high back kick jump or a pike like explosion. Although a great accomplishment that victory of your first double under those types of jumps will not allow you to 2,3,5,50…. or 100 double unders together. When you see a person who is a master at a skill if you really look at them you will see that they mastered the most basic parts of a skill so that they could become great at a more advanced skill.
The basic jump we are looking for with double unders is quick. We bounce off the ground upon immediate contact with the ground, we have no bend and the knee or hip, we squeeze the butt to finish the movement, our core is engaged, and we are jumping with our eyes looking straight ahead. We are looking to minimize the time we are on the ground.
Master that fundamental first before you start moving on to the next items (single unders, hand positioning, elbow position, timing, etc). Take 30 seconds each day to work on that perfect bouncy jump, it’s a great way to perfect those double unders and this way you don’t have to deal with the rope whipping you. And next time you’ll make Annie your bitch!
A reminder that we are doing our first Cove Swimming WOD on Saturday, 8/6 at 11am. There will be a 9a class that morning, but no regular 10 or 11am classes. Many of you have asked what the WOD will be and we are working on it (and will release it shortly). But don’t worry, it will be something EVERYONE can do!
We will have the pool to ourselves for an hour before it opens. Plan to show up a little early to warm up as we’ll need to finish up by the time the pool opens at 12pm. Cost will be $7 per person at the door, however this fee will allow you to hang out for the rest of the day if you want. The pool is extremely kid friendly (playground, volley ball court, etc.) so bring the little ones. There are several grills so definitely plan to stay after to hang out and eat – you can even bring a cooler of drinks (yes, our pool allows beer, but no glass bottles)!
There is a pot luck sign up on the white board at the gym but please RSVP for the event here:
Cove WOD and Pool Party FB Event
A huge thanks to Kim, Steve and Justin for hosting us all. It is just so generous of them to arrange for this event at their club! Please give them a big thank you when you see them next!
Back squats Take 5-10 minutes to warm up to 90% of your 1 RM for 2 reps
Minute 1: max reps at 70% of 1 RM
Minute 2: Rest
Minute 3: Max Reps at 60% of 1 RM
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5: Max Reps at 50 % of 1 RM
-Score total reps-
20 Slam balls
400 m Row
3 Rounds
Coach’s Tip: The back squats will be coming off the rack so if you can’t go the full minute, re-rack the bar for a few seconds and get after another big set!
Synchronized Squat Snatches!
