As we continue to grow as a gym and get stronger… faster… fitter… it is fun to see those gains represented every day on the Whiteboard. When PR badges light up the screen like holiday lights at Christmas time it can be fun and exhilarating, but if what if there’s no icon next to your score? Or what if you think you should’ve beat someone’s time in a Metcon because you are ‘better at burpees’ than they are? It’s way too easy to look at the Whiteboard as a giant SCORE board. It’s not. In fact, looking at it that way can be dangerous. It isn’t a scoreboard for the gym… it is a scoreboard for YOURSELF. We firmly believe data tells a story. But it is not a ranking of ability or effort of the day’s attendees. The data is only there to tell your individual story. Your HISTORY.
Competition can be wonderful thing. It pushes us that extra bit when we might not have done it ourselves. It pokes at those nerves that make us feel excited for what’s coming — and stirs a feeling most of us haven’t felt in a very long time. But competition can become toxic if you let it. If you’ve ever looked at the person next to you while doing air squats and said “well, their depth on the squat isn’t past parallel and mine is”. That’s fine. BUT if you look at someone next to you and think “well, their depth isn’t past parallel and mine is. I can’t believe they are going to have a higher RX score than me because they didn’t even technically do RX because those should be ‘no reps'”… well, that is NOT fine. We’ve probably all been guilty of thinking this way at some point. As coaches, of course we want everyone to go to full depth on those squats (and do every other movement up to the highest of standards!) but if you worry about how that positions you on the Whiteboard, we ask you shift your thinking.
We want to be a culture of improvement, not comparison here at the Cove. The journey is not to be the top of the leaderboard but rather to be a better version of you everyday. Your job is to do the best YOU can do. That might mean less weight than some one next to you or finishing with a slower time, but if you are seeing progress (in any of the numerous variables we look at here (weight, time, form, mobility, speed of recovery, and on and on!) you are doing the right thing. And if your data doesn’t reflect that now, it will. Many of us have been using Wodify for years and looking back at our times, weights, and scales this tells us the story of improvement that motivates and gives us confidence. As we are approaching the end of the year we hope many if you reflect back on how far you have come and the proof is in the numbers. YOUR numbers. Not anyone else’s.
We are excited to announce that we will be running another round of the “Women’s Fresh Start Challenge” to start the new year. The challenge will 6-week total body transformation challenge limited to 12 women who are looking to make a change. Expect to work hard and expect results. It doesn’t matter your starting point, it only matters that you commit to the full 6-weeks! If you know anyone who’s on the fence or looking to shake things up, now’s the time!
Here’s an inspiration video from the amazing women of our first “Fresh Start Challenge”.
The program will start on January 9th with classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:30 PM. If you know someone who might be interested in participating please email us at Once again, we are going to limit this to only 12 spots.
OTMEM for 8 minutes6-8 Pull Ups
30 Toes to Bar50 Double Unders15 Power Snatch2 RoundsFitness: 95/65RX: 115/75RX+: 135/95
Coach’s Tip: For the strength portion, try to find a number that you can stick to for each round. We don’t want you starting at 8 and ending at three. And don’t feel beholden to 6 or 8– we’d rather have 4 or 5 great reps each round than 8 with your chin below the bar. For the Metcon, you should have the capacity to do 5, but you can do small sets as long as you can move the bar quickly. It should take no more than 2 minutes to do each set of 15.