Tuesday, December 1st 2015
This Friday we invite all of the Cove men to our first Bromance WOD and Whiskey (or insert other adult beverage here) event. We’ll throw down with a WOD and then throw down a few drinks. Check out the FaceBook event and let us know if you’re in! Or if you’re not on FB, just sign up on the White Board by the Wodify station. Hope to see you all then!
And we are excited to see so many of you jump on the 50,000M Row challenge. If you haven’t signed up on the White Board yet and want to join in the fun, please do so! Starting now, you have until 12.31.15 to row 50,000 meters!
And last, but not least, we are folding in a new skill cycle — PULL UPS! Many of you have already made great strides, but for those of you still struggling to get your first unassisted one, you’re time has come! And for those who have them, we’re going to tighten them up so you can work them much more efficiently!