Tuesday, May 17th 2016
Huge congratulations to Zac F and his beautiful bride Alex! They were recently married in New Hope, PA but now he’s back from the festivities and the honeymoon and ready to get back at it. The upside of getting married and CrossFit? Carrying the bride across the threshold is a piece of cake. Give him a pat on the back and tell him job well done!
If anyone has friends or family who have been wanting to give this CrossFit thing a try, we are doing another round of FREE Foundations/101 Classes next week!
They will be run on MAY 23RD, 24TH, AND 26TH @5:30 PM. We make it super fun, they’ll learn a ton and get a sense of what this CrossFit thing is all about!
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Hip Extensions
3 Rounds
Swinging Annie
Doubles Unders
Sit Ups
Russian KB Swings
Fitness: 35/26
RX: 53/35
RX+: 70/53
20 min Time cap
Coaches Tip: Completing this workout in 19 minutes, and doing doubles in sets of 5 is not the goal. You should be moving the whole time and hitting big sets of doubles. If you are still working on DUs then scale down the number each round, or just work on them for a pre determined amount of time. Almost like skill work built into the WOD.
Some badass ladies making hard work look easy at the 9:30a class…