Tuesday, November 15th 2016
The generosity of this community never ceases to amaze us. From people buying water bottles for people who forget them to offering to fold towels to restocking beer when we let it run low. What?! Go to a restaurant and tell them you really liked the meal and you want to wash the dishes. Or maybe set the table for the next guest. They will look at you like you have six heads. But here these kinds of gestures happen all the time. For that, we are eternally grateful.
A few weeks ago one of awesome athletes, Brent L. brought up that he builds satellites (yes, that’s right) and can do great fabrications with metals. In the same conversation we had talked about how our entrance sign “the best part of your day starts now” was just a temporary one. And we put it up with crappy sticker letters because we wanted to ‘live with it’ for a while and see if it felt right. It did. It does. It feels really right. We see people walk in the box and touch it like it’s for good luck or some kind of stadium ritual. We LOVE this. But every time we think to ourselves “those stickers might just rubbed off” or “uh oh, would it be BAD luck if a letter fell down?!”
The next day Brent and Travis (another awesome athlete here at the Cove) started scheming. And they asked for our logo. And our font. And then this happened…
Snatch work must run in the family. Scott W. showing great position; weight on the heels, tucked in rib cage, full extension, head through the ‘window’ and straight wrists. Great job from top to bottom!