Today Governor Hogan announced that, effective immediately, the state of Maryland is also lifting the mask mandate per the newest CDC guidance. That means if you are fully vaccinated, you are now welcome to spend your time at the Cove mask-free. We encourage everyone who is not vaccinated (or still partially vaccinated) to continue to wear their masks for their own safety.
He finished his statement by saying this: “As many of us take off our masks, I ask each and every one of you to please just be kind and respectful of one another. Some people will feel comfortable getting back to normal life right away. For others, it may take more time before they feel safe. And that’s perfectly OK. And we should all respect each other.” Regardless of your politics, that was beautifully stated and we couldn’t agree more.
Regarding other Covid precautions in place, we will be easing sanitizing procedures slightly. The gym has never been cleaner (and that’s a GREAT thing!), but with the CDC stating that transmission from touch is also extremely low, we can relax SOME of our post-WOD cleaning. Rather than go through a process for each piece of equipment in the gym here, use the filter of “Hygiene Conscious” to guide your WOD aftermath.
We’ve been operating under a “you touch it, you need to clean it” policy for everything, but we are amending that to “if you can tell you touched it, you need clean it”. Meaning, if your equipment is covered in chalk or there’s sweat all over your gear, wipe it down. If you leave a sweat angel or chalk prints on the floor, mop it up like you have been. This likely means less plate cleaning, but we’ve seen huge chalk handprints on plates in the past, so make sure you leave it as you found it to be respectful to the next athlete who uses it! Feel free to use the spray bottles and towels still (we not double towel anymore as we will no longer require “towel mittens” to put gear away) or feel free to use the gym wipes out no the main floor. Like we said, simple basic gym hygiene and respect for each other (and the equipment) is all we ask!