Wednesday, March 18th 2015
“To read the WOD or not to read the WOD… that is the question”
– Something Shakespeare might have written if Prince Hamlet was a CrossFitter.
We hear a lot of debate as to whether or not people like to read the WOD in advance of coming in. Some love the element of surprise each day and others plan their day around prepping for it (yes, you are not alone). Whether you’re are a ‘pro’ knowing it or a ‘nay’ the only thing we ask is that it NOT determine whether you come in. We design each workout very specifically to work on certain movement sequences, strength training and endurance capacity. And none is ‘better’ than the other. They are just different.
Tomorrow is a great example of this. At first read, an unscored strength/skill section might seem like you can half ass it. And three sets of 500’s might seem easy… but it should be a sprint and it will leave you on your back afterwards if you do it right. Remember to fight for GOOD form on the rower! Chest up and back flat!
Remember that we’re back on this Friday for 15.4 at 7:30p. Bring a post-WOD snack to share and we’ll bring the booze! Also a reminder that CrossFit 101 classes start 6:30p Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week.
15 Heavy Russian KB Swings (eye level)
10 Hanging Leg Raises
1 min Couch Stretch
4 Rounds
-No Score-
500 M Row x 3
Rest 2 minutes between each round
Score = Slowest time
Great work on the Chief yesterday… even the coaches were laid out afterwards!