Wednesday, October 7th 2015
“If it’s important, do it everyday”
– Dan John
If you have been going to the Cove for a while you might be sick and tired of the same old stretches.
Perfect Lunge? Pigeon? Air Squats? Come on, give me some variety!
We get understand how you might feel, but these stretches and movements are so important that they HAVE TO BE DONE on a regular basis. As a box overall, our athletes struggle with hip and ankle mobility. This is mostly done from how we live our modern lives with desk jobs and countless hours of inactivity. These stretches up of the hip flexors and allow us to get into better positions, not just in the gym, but in life.
We have seen tremendous growth in the strength numbers in the community, but we need to recognize that all of these mobility drills were a key part driving that growth. By enabling our bodies to get into better positions we are stronger, more efficient, and most importantly — moving safely.
So next time a coach yells “push into a pike” realize that simply opening those ankles will make you a better mover and get more out of your workout.
10-20 Second L Hold on Pull up Bar
6 Bird Dog Holds (3 each side; hold for 5 seconds each leg)
Notice the flat/neutral back position. No rounding either way. Core should be firing throughout.
-3 Rounds-
7 Pull Ups
200 Run
14 Box Jump Overs
15 Min Amrap
Fitness 20/14
RX: 20/24
RX+ 20/24 (Chest to Bars)
Some of our ladies’ representing at the Charm City Throwdown competition!