Partner WOD
5 rounds
15 Sync Wall Balls
12 Clean and Jerks (not shared)
6 Sync Burpee Box Jumps
Time Cap: 16 min
Fx: 14/10#, 20/18″, 95/65
P/O: 20/14#, 24/20″, 135/95
Stimulus: Capacity
Accumulate 150 Burpees (shared reps)
Partner WOD
5 rounds
15 Sync Wall Balls
12 Clean and Jerks (not shared)
6 Sync Burpee Box Jumps
Time Cap: 16 min
Fx: 14/10#, 20/18″, 95/65
P/O: 20/14#, 24/20″, 135/95
Stimulus: Capacity
Accumulate 150 Burpees (shared reps)