Bench Press
Heavy Set of 10
12 min
“Prime The Pump”
5 Rounds For Time:
30 Sit-ups
10 Bench Press
300′ Shuttle Run
10 Strict Pull-ups
Time Cap: 20 Minutes
FX: 35/25 on Dball; Jhook Row; Banded Pull Ups
RX: 50/35 on Dball
RX+: 70/50 On Bench
Bench Press
Heavy Set of 10
12 min
“Prime The Pump”
5 Rounds For Time:
30 Sit-ups
10 Bench Press
300′ Shuttle Run
10 Strict Pull-ups
Time Cap: 20 Minutes
FX: 35/25 on Dball; Jhook Row; Banded Pull Ups
RX: 50/35 on Dball
RX+: 70/50 On Bench