Reminder: Sunday "Future CrossFitter" WOD!
5 Back Squats @70-80%
1 Heavy Sled Drag
4 Rounds
12 Power Snatch
35 Double Unders
9 min AMRAP
Fitness: 45/35 (70 Single Unders)
RX: 75/55
RX+: 95/65
Coach’s Tip: The strength portion is not a race. Take your time, go heavy on the sled and no need to ‘run’ with it. There should be rest (as we are building strength) so don’t rush through the movements. If you’ve been doing the Open for years, the Snatch/Double Under combination will feel VERY familiar (14.1 was a repeat workout from 2011 – the first workout (11.1) in the first ever CrossFit Open and was a 10 min AMRAP of 30 Doubles and 15 Snatches at 75/55). We’re looking for big sets on the snatches, so if you are out of the gate with singles or even sets of three, you’re WAY too heavy. Try to relax on the doubles and get right back to the bar. Today’s challenge will be differentiating MUSCULAR fatigue vs. CARDIO fatigue. Even though you may be winded off the rope, you should be able to grab that bar and at least bang out a few reps, THEN rest!
Ever wonder what happens between morning classes? Bubble WODs!