Fitness Survey – Would love your help!
6- 1 Arm DB Strict Press (6 each arm)
30 Second High Plank Hold
5 Rnds
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Press
25 Air Squats
10 min AMRAP
Fitness: 45/35
RX: 95/65
Open/RX+: 105/70 Chest to Bar
Coach’s Tip: The strength WOD continues to develop our strength for the Strict Press. The workout should be fast so make sure you have a weight you can hit ten in a row on the push press. If you don’t have pull ups we strongly encourage you to use negatives as a scale today! Be sure to scale the volume as necessary as these can be hard on the biceps.
In awe of this woman and her progress. Cristi S. ‘graduated’ to an 18″ last week and there’s no turning back now!