We could go on and on about this community, but we were just blown away by the recent events at the Cove that were entirely ATHLETE DRIVEN. Last weekend, Dan B. offered to bring in a brisket and wowed the crowed with his mad grill skill. Brent L. hosted impromptu happy hours (and footed the bill!). And this past weekend, Liz B. organized an incredible baby “shower” to honor our moms-to-be. This team effort included Chelsea L. and Coach Maria helping to plan it, Angela D. and Vanessa H. on board for set up and Ada, Alyissa and Vanessa taking shifts in the kids’ room to ensure the parents could partake worry-free. Not to mention the many athletes who came out, strapped on that medball and did a ‘sympathy WOD’ to honor these pregnant ladies!
There is a culture that lives inside (and outside!) these walls that is so much bigger and better that we could have imagined. We are beyond grateful for all you. #noplacelikecove.
Oh, and here’s what the moms received in their ‘swag bags’! Awesomeness!

For 10 minutes:
Even: 8 Bent Over KB or Dumbell Row (weight in both hands)
Odd: 8 Barbell Floor Press
6 Burpees
8 Box Jumps
10 Slam Balls
10 Rounds for Time
Coach’s Tip: The skill work is to help with overall shoulder health and increase our pressing strength. Each round in the workout should be well under 2 minutes. The volume is high but the rounds should be quick. If you see your first round took more than 1:45, consider cutting the number of rounds or doing fewer reps per round. Lots of easy ways to scale this one!
In the spirit of babies… a Sesame street lyric to accurately capture this photo: “Which one of these is not like the others? Which of of these is not the same?”
