Murph Prep
As you know, Murph is coming this coming Monday! We are expecting big crowds so please make sure you sign up for a HEAT TIME HERE. We’ve posted some information on hydration already, so we hope everyone is drinking AT LEAST their body weight in ounces of water! Hydration is critical to a successful Murph, so you’d better be drinking up. Ideally we wanted you drinking this 10 days out (really, we should be doing this EVERY DAY), but in the days leading to Murph it is a MUST.
Another great way to prep is to do some active recover or YOGA!!! the day before. Join us for our first class at 8:30 Sunday morning! As you now know, classes will be led by our very own Ashley G.! Not only is she a beast CrossFitter (if you haven’t seen her crushing WODs at the Cove, you are missing out!), she is highly certified in various yoga practices.
She will program her classes to align with Cove’s programming, so you’ll receive a highly customized class designed to build up on the great work you are already doing at the box.
You can sign up for your HEAT TIME HERE
25 Clean and Jerks
50 Pull Ups
75 Push ups
1 Mile Run (together)
75 Push Ups
50 Pull Ups
25 Clean and Jerks
*1 person works 1 person rests, run together
Fitness: 95/65
RX: 135/95
RX+: 155/105
Coach’s Tip: As we’ve talked about before, some days are ‘training days’ and some days are ‘game days’ (i.e. The Open). This is definitely a training day and use it as good prep for Murph. We are looking for FULL RANGE OF MOTION (especially on the push ups and pull ups) as shorting reps at this kind of volume isn’t just ugly, it’s dangerous. The coaches will be on you, as usual, to keep that form on point. Feel free to scale the volume if this seems daunting!
Eyal H. WOD-ing in the glow of the morning sun…