Stay cool as temps rise!
We hope everyone had a great weekend! A special thanks to all the women (and men!) who turned out for the Ladies’ WOD and Wine. Not only was the company terrific and the food fantastic, the women showed UP to work out! And a huge thank to Kim M. for arranging the chair massages for everyone. EPIC night at the Cove!
Temps are supposed to climb over the next few days, so we ask a few things of you to ensure you have the most effective and safe workout/recovery!
- DRINK YOUR WATER. We all know the merits of good hydration (see all Murph posts if you have not yet bought in), but when temps rise it becomes mission critical to drink at least your body weight (in ounces) of water per day. Just do it!
- KEEP COOL. Temps will rise in the gym, but we have industrial exhaust fans designed to pull air across the space to keep it cool. Please keep the garage door opened to only 2 or 3 feet as that is the optimal height to pull the most air from front to back.
- USE A COLD TOWEL: Use those towels to cool off after the WOD as always, but make sure to limit your usage to one per class as we want to ensure EVERYONE can enjoy the sweet scent of post-WOD towels!
- COME EARLY. If you’ve ever wanted to check out a morning class, this could be your week! Get in before the day heats up and chill out with the early birds!
Wide Stance Box Squats 3/3/3/3/3/3 (70-80% of 1 RM)
Make sure you are sitting back to the box, pausing then exploding up.
12 min AMRAP
150 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders
30 Ring Muscle Ups
Fitness: 30 Pull Ups
Performance: 30 Chest to Bar
Open: 30 Ring Muscle Ups
Coach’s Tip: Box Squats, if done correctly should really help with postieor chain strength. That will translate to oly lifting and overall better glutes and hammies. For the METCON, 13.3 is a mental test and has a ton to do with pacing. Everyone should be done with 150 Wall Balls in 6-9 minutes, so if you are not finished in that window, move on. The goal is to keep the heart rate under control and not spike too soon. AND get in a variety of movements… not just wall balls!
The ladies…