Pool WOD RSVPs Needed!
Please join us for the second annual Cove Pool WOD on August 19th! This was an incredible event last year and we encourage everyone to attend! A huge thanks to Kim, Steve, Justin and Jenna M. for making this happen. We will have the pool to ourselves for an hour before it opens and plan program somethings special for the occasion! Don’t worry if you can’t swim well (or at all!) as we’ll have plenty of scaling options for everyone.
Plan to show up a little early (10am-ish) to sign your waiver, pay the guest fee and warm up, as we’ll need to finish up by the time the pool opens at 12pm. Cost will be $7 per person at the door, however this fee will allow you to hang out for the rest of the day (if you want and we hope you do!). The pool is extremely kid friendly (playground, volley ball, tennis, basketball, etc.) and there are several grills so definitely plan to stay after to hang out and eat – you can even bring a cooler of drinks (yes, the pool allows beer, but no glass bottles)! We will send a potluck sign up sheet out in the weeks before.
RVSP for the event on the FB page HERE
SKILL WOD Turkish Get Ups 6 Total (three per arm) 30 Second side plank (30 on each side) x 3 WOD
30 Alternating 1 Arm DB Snatches
20 Box Jumps
10 Burpees
12 min AMRAP
Coach’s Tip: The skill WOD will be a nice shoulder warm up for the metcon, so really dial in on good form and technique. The DB Snatches come from the ground, so please make sure you keep that chest up every time (no hunching over to grab it off the ground!). We are only going 12 min, so make the most of it and push hard the whole time (this is not a slow and steady kinda day). Strive for somewhere between 2-4 rounds!
Sammy J. is only two months into CrossFit and his gains are extraordinary! He even signed up for his first competition in September. Amazing.