That’s right… if you want a 2017/18 Hoodie you need place your order by TODAY! That means you need to pick the size and option that you want… and we’ll bill you for it. This year we have TWO options for you to choose from. Both are zip up front hoodies (and both will be charcoal with a blue shell), but one is a light weight warm up style and other is a heavier and cozy option. So, whatever your needs, we have something for you! The design is the same on both, so it is about fabric and feel to decide what’s best for you! No worries if you are unsure, we have SAMPLES of each at the gym… so try them on for size AND fit! You will need to order not just the type, but your specific size! The lightweight option will be $50 and the heavyweight will be $55. So, head on in and get fitted for the new Cove Swag! Order your hoodies HERE!
50 M Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge
50 M Farmers Carry
5 Power Cleans
20 min AMRAP
Fitness: 115/75
Performance: 155/105
Open: 185/125
Alternate rounds
Fitness: Weighted walking lunge
Coach’s Tip: We have something a little different today for the partner WOD, but it should be fun though! Partner One will start on one side of the cones and walk down and back with the lunges, down and back with the Kbs and then hit 5 heavy power cleans. The lunges will be extremely challenging. For the fitness, scale by holding the DBs on your shoulders (you can probably go a little heavier that way).