Babes, Barbells and Brunch!
Lovely ladies of the Cove! It’s time for the THIRD annual Babes Barbells & Brunch! We will WOD then munch on breakfast foods while sipping on Mimosas, Bloody Marys, or your beverage of choice. We will be posting a sign up sheet so no one is bringing too much of one thing. It is an awesome opportunity to get to know those fierce females you only ever see crushing it on WODIFY. Obviously, this is a “no boys allowed” thing (unless they are serving us alcohol and treating us like the Queens we are!)
A HUGE thank you to all the parents and kids who turned out for an EPIC Family Class! We had more than 25 mini-fire breathers take the floor and it was so fun to see all the parents enjoying one of their favorite pastimes with their kids. We love helping to develop healthy habits early in life and to see all of our inspirational parents leading by example — well, it was pretty darn amazing. Our next class is Sunday at Noon!
Take 15 minutes to find a:
Open and Performance: 1 RM Push Jerk
Fitness: Find a 3 RM Push Press
1 Minute at each station:
Slam Balls
DB Power Cleans (two dbs)
Push Ups
3 Rounds
Coach’s Tip: Today we get fired up to hit some PRs! We wrap up our press cycle today, but don’t get caught up in the numbers. Pay attention to how you FEEL. How the lift FEELS. And how your form has gotten so much better! We’ll happily take the same (or lower!) weight if the rep is flawless! The 1 minute at each station work is meant to be more of a training day, not a WOD to fear. For the DB power cleans it is two DBs, so one in each hand. Only one side of the DB needs to touch the ground (same standards they used in the Open). Have fun with the Metcon, but let’s put all our focus into the Strength portion today! BANG THAT GONG!!
James and Annie may have heard of Misa, but seem REALLY confident they can take her!