Babes, Barbells and Brunch!
Lovely ladies of the Cove! It’s time for the THIRD annual Babes Barbells & Brunch! We will WOD then munch on breakfast foods while sipping on Mimosas, Bloody Marys, or your beverage of choice. It is an awesome opportunity to get to know those fierce females you only ever see crushing it on WODIFY. Obviously, this is a “no boys allowed” thing (unless they are serving us alcohol and treating us like the Queens we are!)
Post what you are bringing HERE!
8-10 Strict Chin ups
10 Overhand grip barbell rows
20 second hollow rock
4 Rnds
60/50 Cal Row
50 KB Swings
40 Front Squats
Fitness: 75/55
Performance: 95/65
Open: 115/75
Coach’s Tip: Our skill work is a continuation of last week with a different twist. As you know, we are working on position of the body and hands on the rig and developing grip strength! The workout is a variation on “Jackie” and the Front Squats should be at a manageable load (something you should hit sets of 10 with while fatigued).
Len could not be a nicer guy. He’s also one of our most dedicated athletes. Always looking to improve his fitness and form, he’s a now proud member of the Barbell Club!