Saturday, June 14th, 2015
One last reminder that our Family WOD will be Saturday morning at 10a (NO REGULAR WOD AT 10AM!). All are welcome! We will have sitter coverage for the 9am so if you’re feeling bold, come put the kids in the kids’ room and stay for the family WOD.
And if you want a Murph re-do or do it for the first time, come on in on Sunday for Open Gym. Josh will be here during open gym doing it and we’d love to give him some company!
Take 7 Minutes to find your 1 Max set of Unbroken Double Unders
(record best unbroken set)
2 minutes of Wall balls
2 minutes of KB Swings
2 minutes of Push Press
2 minutes of Sit ups
2 minutes of Rest
1 minute of Wall balls
1 minute of KB Swing
1 minute of Push press
1 minute of sit ups
Score = total Reps
Fitness 75/55, 53/26KB
RX 95/65, 53/35KB
RX+ 115/75, 70/53KB
Erich showing strong pulls on the rower while Nathan collects himself for the next round…