Burpees for Bros!
We know there is burpee fever at the Cove right now due to our “Fall Into Healthy Habits” challenge and it is just awesome. Since we know you’ll miss them soon, we have another burpee spectacular coming up in early November!
In an effort to help in the battle against prostate and testicular cancer we are going to be doing a “Burpees for Bros” event at the Cove on Saturday November 12th and 11 AM. It is an hour of burpees in an effort to raise money for the Movember Foundation. If you are interested in participating you can sign up for the event on the Movember team web site (moteam.co/burpeesforbros). Once signed onto the team, you can use the time until the event to receive as many sponsors as possible to support you in that hour of burpees. Bring friends and family as the more people that participate, the more we can raise.
So for those that are interested please sign on up… and guys, let’s start growing that facial hair. I know we all can’t grow a mustache as spectacular as Coach Chris, but we can certainly try. But what we CAN do is help spread the word about the importance of men seeing their doctor.
Here is a link to our Facebook event page at the Cove HERE
Let’s make burpees fun AND meaningful.
8 Bent Over Barbell Row
8 Strict Leg Rasis/Strict Toes to Bar
30 sec Weighted Low Plank
3 Rounds
5 Burpees
10 Wall Balls
30 Double Unders
10 min AMRAP
Coach’s Tip: We love Barbell Rows! It is a great opportunity to really focus on the hinge at the hips. That is a common error in olympic lifting, so use the skill time to… well, work on that skill! It will also give you some horizontal pulling which is always a good for scap and shoulder strength. The metcon is a “no barbell” day. They can be less exciting to read on the blog, but if you do it right, we promise it will be an awesome 10 minutes of work.
Robert N. crushing the assault bike. And, oh… that hair!