“The Open Prequel”
Clash at the Cove is fast approaching (Saturday, February 3rd) and we are looking for a lot more sign-ups. Although this is a “competition”, it is a competition based around supporting one another and having fun.
We have almost always done the Clash as a partner comp as we want you to experience the day with someone else. We want you to be able to celebrate with them, to pick them up, and to have them pick you up at some point.
To help people get an idea what the workouts might look like, we are releasing workout one. It’s a near repeat of the opening workout at Clash at the Cove in 2016! We have tweaked it slightly and it’s the perfect workout as the CrossFit Open is coming.
“The Open Prequel”
8 Minute AMRAP of the following movements between both partners:
30 Wall Balls 20/14
30 Double Unders
20 Pull Ups
20 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Cleans (155/105)
10 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
5 Snatches (135/85)
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups or 5 Bar Muscle ups (every 3 C2B Pulls = 1 BMU)
8 Minute AMRAP of the following movements between both partners:
30 Wall Balls 14/10
60 Single Unders
20 Jumping Pull Ups
20 Burpees over the bar
10 Cleans (85/65)
10 Jerks (85/65)
5 Snatches (75/55)
5 Kipping Pull Ups or 15 Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups (every 3 jumping C2B Pull Ups = 1 Pull Up)
This is a version of the Ben Bergeron “Open Test” WOD he developed to prep his athletes for the Open (for those of you who don’t know, he has trained top Games athletes including Matt Fraser, Cole Sager, Chris Speller, Becca Voigt, Katrin Davidsdottir and James Hobart (to name a few).
This will test everyone for sure. It is a shared sprint between you and your partner and ends up being a race to see if you can get back and hopefully deeply into the wall balls. The tiebreaker will be the time in which you complete your last movement. For everyone else, it will be a race against the clock to get back to that wall! If some of the weights or movements concern you for this workout, do not worry about it as we will partner you with someone who can help you with those movements. Don’t worry if a movement isn’t a strength of yours. That’s where you lean on your partner! For example, only one of the two of you has to be able to do anything in this workout, and we will strategically pair you up with someone who can complement you as best as possible! Movement standards will be reviewed at the event, but will mimic CrossFit Games/Open standards.
If you have any questions about this workout or anything for the competition, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We want you to join in on the day as an athlete, volunteer, or fan. Sign up at the whiteboard or you can sign up virtually here.
Coach John back at the 2016 Clash at the Cove