Below is the list of athletes signed up for the Clash. If we missed your name, please email us immediately at If you also decide that you want to do it, you can also email us and we can see if we can get you in.
Below is our list of athletes for Clash at the Cove. Teams are being formed now and we will be releasing the names early next week via Facebook live on the Cove the Club (join if you haven’t already). We also will post the teams on the Cove blog.
SCALED FEMALE Megan M, Michelle T, Maria
Jose, Kourtney, Kim M, Amy Chao, Jenna, Kimmy, Jackie, Jenn P, Amy J,
Morgan, Rochelle, and Erin
SCALED MALE Kyung, Devang, John K, Kevin A,
Alejandro, Eriq, Andrew Z, Issac, Mak, Steven P, Hassan, Scott B,Joe B, and Kush
RX MALE Ryan S, Mateusz, Eric N, Keith, Ken A,
Axel, Courteney, Roosvelt, Tommy, and Kevin
RX FEMALE Angie, Kim D, Chrissie, Lilly, Beth, Caryn, Ada, Caroline, and Mariah