We’ve heard from several members that more evening hours would be greatly appreciated, so we are making it happen. Starting MONDAY, MARCH 6th, we will add the 5:30p hour to the sitter coverage schedule! As always, we ask that you help out the sitter by getting your little one to clean up (and avoid all snacks in the kid’s room). We want them in a safe and clean space… with AND without the sitters!
Week One is DONE and it was so exciting to the see how hard each individual pushed through 17.1. Even more exciting was how their fellow athletes rallied around them. The Open offers so many lessons that improve our fitness and lives. One we are already seeing is new appreciation for hitting a higher level of standards in our movements.
This Monday we had a nice strength piece to working up to a heavy set of 3 Front Squats. We saw some great PR’s but something more exciting from the coaching staff’s perspective was a great attention to hitting depth and maintaining positional strength. We know people could have pushed more weight that day with sloppy technique but those squats would not have met the standards that allow us to be both safe and gain the full value of this foundational movement. We saw Lydia S. perform three of the best squats we have ever seen from her (at a very substantial weight!) and we watched Deborah B. show great self control and hold back on overloading the barbell in an effort to push herself further by position and depth.
We know many of you may be frustrated with our focus on quality but trust that you will improve in your mobility,stability, and strength with your focused hard work. We have a number of great technical squatters here at the Cove and it is important to know they were not at that point when they started her at the Cove. Trust the process, be present when executing the movements, hold yourself to a high standard, and know that you are better today than you were yesterday.
There’s something magical about that 8p hour, so you’ll have to wait until then to know 17.2. We will have a slight delay posting it on Thursday (until around 8:15p) so if you want to know the workout immediately, go to Games.CrossFit.com to see the announcement live!
As always, we’ll be hitting the Friday Night Lights event and CANNOT WAIT. Now that you got a taste of what it’s about… come prepared to have a crush a monster workout, hang out with your fellow Covies and bring something to share. Potluck drinks and snacks immediately following! Like last week we’ll have some beer and a specialty cocktail… but we can always use more!
10 Bent over Barbell Row
6-8 Ring Dips
4 Rounds
6 Pull Ups
9 Slam Balls
12 Box Jumps
9 min AMRAP
Coach’s Tip: Aim to go unbroken on the pull ups and the slam balls and use the box jumps as your ‘recovery’ time. As always, land consciously and softly on the box for safety purposes! If you are doing the Open on Friday, use today as an active recover day come in and do the WOD at 50% – 75%!
Nobody loves mobility more than this guy. Doing the Open? Take some time today and be like John.