Friday 2/7/2020
3 rounds-
10 Sync Power Snatch
10 Sync Overhead Squats
20 Sync Box Jumps
20 HSPU (shared reps)
Time Cap: 18 min
Fx: 75/55, Piked Pushup, 20/18″
P: 115/75, 24/20″
O: 135/95, 24/20″
For Time:
20 Burpees over your partner (in low plank)
then.. other partner does 20 burpees over partner
Cap: 4 min
Coach Madison’s Tips:
Synchro WODs are all about planning and communicating. Practice tempos for each move before the WOD and make a plan that you can stick to. For example, when Daniel and I do this, we will do 5-4-1 on the snatches and the last snatch will be used to get into the 10 OVHS that we would hope to do unbroken. Designating one partner to say “3, 2, 1” to make it clear when to start each set can help streamline communication and maximize time to catch your breath. Daniel always does this job because I would rest too long if he didn’t 😉
Finisher: Keep your plank as low as possible.